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An ancient foot-tall statue of a man

Medicine and Healing

In her book "Medicine and Healing in Ancient East Asia," author and professor Constance Cook offers a new perspective on excavated texts and the development of healing strategies.
Finding Freedom on stage

Finding Freedom

Joseph Amodei designs the media for the premiere production of Finding Freedom in Charleston
Terry-Ann Jones poses for a photo sitting on a bench. She wears a blue dress and smiles at the camera.

Strangers in Their Own Land

Terry-Ann Jones examines the experiences of seasonal, migrant sugarcane workers in Brazil, providing insights in the country’s deep-seated inequalities
Quinnlyn Burger and Margaux Petruska sit outside at a table at the Zaale homestay in Uganda.

Crucial Conversations

Environmental Policy Student Examines Impact of Conservation in Uganda
Mothers of Sierra Leone sit on a bench holding their children and smiling at the camera

Filmmaking with Impact

A Trip to Sierra Leone Highlights Student's Academic Experience